
Check out the awards offered by the Festival and its partners to the films exhibited in our programs in 2023.

The Breakthrough Award aims to stimulate young Brazilian audiovisual talents in their next production, from recording to the post-production of a short film of up to 15 minutes. For this, the Festival establishes partnerships with companies in the area, which appoint a jury of journalists and critics and offer technical resources for this new venture.

The film directors of Brazilian short films made in cinema or audiovisual courses exhibited at Brazilian Showcase, Student's Showcase and Audiovisual Workshops compete for the Breakthrough Award. The selection also takes into account a script of up to 15 pages sent by the filmmakers, exposing the argument/script for their next project.

The short film made possible by the Breakthrough Award is committed to premiering at the 35th São Paulo International Short Film Festival.


SOLOS - Pedro Vargas - Brasil-SP


Breakthrough jury

Researcher, producer and cultural manager, graduated in Radio and TV, post-graduated in Fundamentals of Culture and Arts Management. At the Municipal Secretary of Culture of São Paulo, she coordinated events and curated projects. In audiovisual, where she started her career, she participated in the planning and production of events and festivals. Currently, she is in charge of the Supervision of Cultural Action, the department responsible for programming, coordinating and executing the cultural program of the Mário de Andrade Library.

Graduated in sociology and law, he worked as a journalist at Diários Associados and worked at Sesc SP, from 1975 to 2008, in the areas of encouraging arts and culture in various regions of the State of São Paulo, in the management and programming of CineSesc, and in productions CPT SESC, directed by Antunes Filho. He coordinated the feature film jury at the Festival do Ceará, participated as a debater in film festivals and directed the feature film CANA QUENTE (original script, executive production and direction). 

She is a black woman from Minas Gerais. She works as a researcher, film critic, curator, jury member and script writers, having worked in Casa de Criação e Cinema, O2Filmes and,nowadays, at TV Globo. She has a degree from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and is getting her PhD from Universidade de Sao Paulo. She is also graduated in script wrigin and filmmaking by AIC. 

A prize worth R$ 15,000 (fifteen thousand reais) and a licensing contract for the best short of Brazilian Programs, chosen by a jury nominated by Canal Brasil.

Lapso - Caroline Cavalcanti - Brasil-MG


One acquisition prize of R$ 8,000 (eight thousand reais) for a short film produced in Sao Paulo State to be exhibited in TV Cultura program schedule and chosen by a jury nominated by TV Cultura.

Lyb - Felipe Poroger - Brasil-SP


Two prizes for the acquisition of R$ 6,000.00 (six thousand reais) for one Brazilian and one foreign film directed by first-time directors, chosen by a jury indicated by SescTV, with licensing for the period of two years, no exclusivity.

El Dance Off - Nicolás Keller Sarmiento - Argentina 

“Romeu e Julieta” em Libras - Adriana Somacal - Brasil-RS


Acquisition prize of R$ 2,000 (two thousand reais) for up to 5 Brazilian short films selected by the curatorship crew of the channel/website, amongst the films that authorized the exhibition and online voting in the platform during the event.

Cadim - Luiza Pugliesi - Brasil-SP

A Alma das coisas - Felipe Herzog, Douglas Soares - Brasil-RJ

O Condutor da Cabine - Cristiano Burlan - Brasil-SP

Quinze Quase Dezesseis - Thais Fujinaga - Brasil-SP

Ode - Diego Lisboa - Brasil-BA 

Honorable mentions will be awarded to two short films produced in Audiovisual Production Workshops, guaranteeing an exhibition window on TV Cultura's schedule.

SOB(RE) A PELE - Beatriz Nunes, Ana Carolina Gomes - Brasil (SP)

OUÇAM-ME: UM MANIFESTO - João Pedro Muniz e Elisa Cecci- Brasil (SP)


The API - Association of Independent Producers of the Brazilian Audiovisual will offer a total of three awards, one for a film from Mostra Limite, other for a film from the Latin American Showcase and another for Horizons Showcase. The jury will be made up of six representatives from companies associated with the API, three for each show.

Honorable mention - Mostra Limite - Aqui Onde Tudo Acaba - Cláudia Cardenas e Juce Filho - Brasil (SC)

Best movie - Mostra Limite - Espectro Restauración - Felippe Mussel - Brasil (RJ)


Honorable mention - Latin American Showcase - VIENEN LAS GRETAS - Daniel Mateo Vallejo - Colômbia, Holanda

Best movie - Latin American Showcase - O MAR TAMBÉM É SEU - Michelle Coelho - Cuba, Brasil


Best movie - Horizons Showcase - "Stück Für Stück" - Reza Rasouli - Áustria


Three highlights (a Brazilian film, a foreign film and a special award) for short films that deal with sexual diversity, selected by the LGBT+ Cineclube team among the films from 2022/2023.

Brazilian Highlight - OS ANIMAIS MAIS FOFOS E ENGRAÇADOS DO MUNDO - Renato Sircilli - Brasil (SP)

Foreign Highlight - MANOS AJENAS - Adrián Monroy Molina - México

Special Award - AVE MARIA - Pê Moreira - Brasil (RJ)


The “Kaiser” trophy mentions the first Brazilian authorial animated film that is known, directed by cartoonist Seth (Álvaro Martins). The film with the best animation among the 2023 entries will be awarded.

Best Animation - La Perra - Carla Melo Gampert - Colômbia 

Honorable Mention - Y - Matea Covac - Croácia 

The Festival's audience chooses their favorite films among those shown in the Unlimited, Horizons, International, Latin American and Brazilian Programs Showcases. The ten Brazilian films and the ten foreign films with the highest votes are announced at the awards ceremony in alphabetical order and re-exhibited on the last weekend of the Festival.


10+ of 2023


Combustão Não Espontânea - Boni Zanatta - Brasil, SP

Destemor - João Vitor Araújo - Brasil, SP

Lapso - Caroline Cavalcanti - Brasil, MG 

Onde a Floresta Acaba - Otavio Cury - Brasil, SP

Os Muitos Mundos de Piero Maria - Helena Guerra - Brasil, SP 

Peixe Vivo - Frederico Evaristo e Bob Yang - Brasil, SP 

Quentinha - Rwanyto Oscar Santos - Brasil, CE

Quinze Quase Dezesseis - Thais Fujinaga - Brasil, SP

Ramal - Higor Gomes - Brasil, MG 

Thue Pihi Kuuwi- Uma Mulher Pensando - Edmar Tokorino Yanomami;Roseane Yariana Yanomami;Aida Harika Yanomami - Brasil, RR



Á Beira do Delírio (AU BORD DU DÉLIRE) - Maria Claudia Blanco - França, Colômbia 

A Menos Que Bailemos - Fernanda Pineda e Hanz Rippe Gabriel - Colômbia 

Aeromoça-737 (AIRHOSTESS-737) - Thanasis Neofotistos - Grécia 

Ángel e Perla (Ángel Y Perla) - Jenni Merla e Denise Anzarut - Argentina

Caranguejo (KRAB) - Piotr Chmielewski - Polônia, França

El Dance Off - Nicolás Keller Sarmiento - Argentina

Esfolada (ÉCORCHÉE) - Joachim Hérissé - França

Experiências Desconhecidas (SERPÊHATIYÊN NEQEWIMÎ) - Ramazan Kilic - Turquia

Maruja - Berta Garcia-Lacht - Espanha

Takanakuy - Gustavo Vokos - Peru, Brasil