Brazil (SC) |

An indigenous archaeologist, a poet, a shepherd and kujá, a teacher and a rap singer trace the history of the Laklãnõ/Xokleng people, inhabitant of southern Brazil.

Director: Flávia Person, Walderes Coctá Priprá, Barbara Pettres

Screenplay: Barbara Pettres, Flávia Person, Walderes Coctá Priprá

Producer: Barbara Pettres

Cinematographer: Hans Denis

Soundtrack: Nelson D

Sound Designer: Ingrid Gonçalves

Editor: Alan Langdon

Sound Editor: Alan Langdon

Cast: Acir Kaile Priprá, Fernando Xokleng, Miriam Vaicá Priprá, Walderes Coctá Priprá, João Adão Nunc-Nfoônro de Almeida

Sales Agent: Caroline Marins

Contact: Barbara Pettres - curtalaklano@gmail.com


Parallel Events > Cinema at communities

Brazilian Programs > Brazilian Showcase

Brazilian Showcase 4 - Different winds?