, Slovenia, Slovakia | 2022 | cor | 9 min

The hamsters live and work in Hamsterland, a perfect state with a perfect economy. The GDP grows steadily, there is no unemployment, and 100% of the population declare themselves to be happy.

Director: Ana Nedeljković, Nikola Majdak

Screenplay: Ana Nedeljković

Producer: Jelena Mitrović, Tina Smrekar, Peter Badač

Cinematographer: Nikola MAJDAK

Soundtrack: Dušan PETROVIĆ

Animation: Leon VIDMAR, Nikola MAJDAK, Ana Nedeljković

Editor: Milina TRIŠIĆ

Sales Agent: Luce Grosjean

Contact: Miyu Distribution -


International Program > Inter 1 - Scary monsters

Ghosts from the past, manipulative dictators, grateful oppressed masses, and other creatures.

Films of this program: Inter 1 - Scary monsters

Ghosts from the past, manipulative dictators, grateful oppressed masses, and other creatures.