Brazil (DF) | 2022 | cor | 12 min

Famous superheroes take care of adult problems, but children also have their superheroes, always ready to help solve their dilemmas.

Director: Rafael de Andrade

Screenplay: Rafael Andrade

Producer: raphael dorsa

Cinematographer: Gustavo Pastorino

Art Director: Gregório Benevides

Soundtrack: Victor Godoy

Sound Designer: Chico Bororo

Narrator: Nelson Gomes

Editor: Rafael Andrade

Sound Editor: Bruno Santana

Cast: Melisa Ferrari, Nilson Lima, Gabriel Silva, Miguel Cortes, Madelon Cabral, Kika de Moraes, Érika Santos, Leticia Parisi, Frank Joseph, Mateus Ferrari, Cauá Póvoa

Sales Agent: Rafael Andrade

Contact: PIA - Produtores Independentes Associados -


Kids and Teens Showcase > Kids Showcase > For Kids 2 - Playing at Home, on the Beach and on the Moon

Out-of-the-box experiences and adventures – including off planet Earth – are the theme of the four films in this program. Suitable for ages 6 and up.

Films of this program: For Kids 2 - Playing at Home, on the Beach and on the Moon

Out-of-the-box experiences and adventures – including off planet Earth – are the theme of the four films in this program. Suitable for ages 6 and up.