Russian Federation | 2022 | cor | 14 min

Eva works as a photo editor in the main official news outlet in the USSR. The secret part of her job is to wipe memories.

Director: Serafim Orekhanov

Screenplay: Serafim Orekhanov

Producer: Olga Danova

Cinematographer: Aleksandr Kuznetsov

Soundtrack: Sergey Petukhov

Editor: Vladimir Markov

Cast: Oleg Koronny, Ksenia Rappoport, Daria Belousova

Sales Agent: Serafim Orekhanov

Contact: Serafim Orekhanov -


International Program > Inter 5 - Parallel worlds

The program explores parallel universes, revealing close and distinct worlds that coexist without ever intersecting.

Films of this program: Inter 5 - Parallel worlds

The program explores parallel universes, revealing close and distinct worlds that coexist without ever intersecting.