Sudan, Qatar | 2022 | cor | 18 min
A group of young Sudanese create an imaginary television station at a besieged sit-in. Interviewing protestors from around the country, they confront the violence of the regime and conjure a new Sudan.
Director: Roopa Gogineni
Screenplay: Roopa Gogineni
Producer: Trevor Snapp, Roopa Gogineni, Fiona Lawson-Baker, Reem Haddad
Cinematographer: Trevor Snapp, Roopa Gogineni, Mohamed Aminn, 3ayin
Editor: Isidore Bethel, Roopa Gogineni
Sales Agent: Vanesa Toca
Contact: FREAK Independent Film Agency -
New Horizons Showcase > Horizons 3 - The Wind That Blows
Shorts that point out recent social and/or cultural movements, mixing countries and cultures from various regions of the world.