Brazil (SP) | 2023 | cor/pb | 19 min

Investigating real memories and imaginary assumptions, a boy confronts a childhood ghost while narrating the foundation of the place where he grew up on the outskirts of São Paulo.

Director: Nivaldo Godoy Jr., Marcio Miranda Perez

Screenplay: Mei Hua Soares

Producer: Dacio Pinheiro

Cinematographer: Nivaldo Godoy Jr

Art Director: Nivaldo Godoy Jr

Soundtrack: Nivaldo Godoy Jr.

Production Company: Gore Filmes

Contact: Nivaldo Godoy Jr. - nivaldogodoy@gmail.com


Unlimited Showcase > Limit 1 - Hyperrealities

Poetic reconstructions of urban spaces through different layers, textures and sensorialities.

Films of this program: Limit 1 - Hyperrealities

Poetic reconstructions of urban spaces through different layers, textures and sensorialities.